by Stage One Bidvest | Dec 12, 2019 | BodyGuard
It’s a well-known scenario, especially during the festive season shopping madness. You’ve returned to your parked car and noticed someone has damaged your vehicle and fled the scene. This is one of the reasons why it is important that you’re covered with Bidvest...
by Stage One Bidvest | Nov 7, 2019 | BodyGuard
The Festive season is around the corner and for many South African’s this means taking some well-deserved time off to enjoy some of the many adventures and activities on offer around our beautiful country with loved ones and friends! But as it is so often is with...
by Stage One Bidvest | May 28, 2019 | BodyGuard
Buying a car is an exciting and proud moment! So much so, that it’s easy to sometimes get caught up in it all and forget to focus on a few key areas in the process. We recently featured a few tips on social media, highlighting some of the vital points to keep in...
by Stage One Bidvest | Apr 18, 2019 | BodyGuard
The Easter long weekend provides the perfect opportunity for a welcomed ‘getaway’ weekend with family and friends, so it’s no wonder that this is one of the busiest times on our South African roads. Before heading out on your long weekend adventure, it is important to...
by Stage One Bidvest | Mar 28, 2018 | BodyGuard
The Easter holidays are around the corner and the long weekend usually sees many of us taking to the roads to make long-distance trips to get to our holiday destinations. Before you back out of your driveway to commence your epic road-trip, it is important to make...