Tips for staying safe at home

As the majority of us continue to spend more time at home under the level 4 lockdown restrictions, it is important to make sure that our homes are safe, for both ourselves and our loved ones, because accidents can and do happen – even in the safety of our own homes!...

Cyber Safety in Lockdown

Cyber criminals are taking advantage of COVID-19 and the increased online activity during the lockdown as statistics have shown a massive spike in cyber-attacks in South Africa from under 30 000 to 310 000 daily! Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself:...

How to care for your car during the lockdown

The lockdown period for a lot of us (unless you are part of the courageous essential workforce) means our cars will remain mostly, if not completely, unused. – NB if you are apart of the heroic essential workforce, you will be happy to know that you can take advantage...