6 Warning Signs of Phishing Cybercrime

In today’s modern world, one of our primary ways of communication is through email and messaging platforms. We not only use these communication tools for work but also to connect and stay in touch with our friends and family. So, it should come as no surprise that...

5 Easy Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Car

Bidvest Insurance shares 5 easy tips to extend the lifespan of your car. There’s nothing quite like the new car feeling, is there? With the escalating price of cars and climbing interest rates, many South Africans are choosing to keep their cars for longer. Keeping...

5 Best Insurance Policies for 2021

With 2020 behind us (thankfully), and as we head into 2021, it is clear that we will not be settling back into a normal way of life any time soon. Be that as it may, if we look for the silver lining, it’s that 2020 taught us to be adaptive and to be prepared. And in a...

Are you safe from cyber theft?

To find the answer, you first need to know what cyber theft is and how it works. This article breaks it down into simple terms, so save it and share it with your friends and family to keep them safe from cyber theft too. What is cyber theft? We at Bidvest Insurance...